quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011

Hawkwind: 1980.10.30 - Bristol (EX- Aud) [FLAC]

1980-10-30 Colston Hall Bristol (Complete) Flac

01 Levitation
02 Motorway City
03 Death Trap
04 Shot Down In The Night
05 Psychosis
06 The 5th Second Of Forever
07 Dust Of Time
08 World Of Tiers
09 Urban Guerilla
10 Prelude
11 Who's Gonna Win The War
12 Psi Power
13 Brainstorm
14 Silver machine-Master Of the Universe

MD5 Checksums:

01 3462537bb2b311987a441dc1421c6301
02 390658cfa6b462e52cdda94046ec548f
03 551376830b98c2139f01c397a9128765
04 81c9eb8706d2735ac97dcdb24cf7eed0
05 3c951ddf7bccc8123f55e184c0b765ca
06 178f9e13bc1681fa86cb3df99f36f355
07 160b7afacff061a4499c125f9b9d7450
08 57967a98fc496710a2a344d3af81eefb
09 fb76c674614fae5548166d06971111b4
10 13b4aab2eabe0ed4cfc55a0ab4be6d6c
11 c3dc7e9127d56eab45432a9b305fb21f
12 6cf04025fd8e95f1c25c412d993d00b7
13 f716f3633ca0932ccae8598223b34d44
14 2e99ae72b1981d00c5fba3022725ccaf

The Band

Dave Brock
Harvey Bainbridge
Huw Lloyd Langton
Keith Hayle
Ginger Baker

I think most Hawkwind collectors/fans would agree that probably the best sounding 1980 "Levitation" show, is the roio entitled "What A Long Stained Trip it's been" recording, from Glasgow recorded from a feed off the mixing desk. So obviously that show is a soundboard patch/recording and therefore not allowed by Hawkwind in their trading rules.

However I do own a copy of that show which I came across at a record fair in Manchester a number of years ago, and paid a dealer £14 for it.

Now obviously I can't share that show, but the reason I mention it, is that this recording, sourced from the audience is absolutely fantastic and on a par sound wise with that. The more I listen to it, the more I'm amazed by it. In fact this and the one at the Ispwich Gaumont are the two best audience recordings I've ever heard from this tour.

The recording is complete and is simply stunning I will easily rate this as 8/10 or Ex, but must say for a Hawkwind audience recording that's now 30+ years old, this is as good as it gets. With some TLC and someone who knows what they are doing this could be turned into something truely spectacular.

Any negatives about this recording. of course there's some negatives. A bit of tape hiss only really noticable in between tracks. There's a bit of audience chatter but again this is mainly in between songs, and not distracting in anyway. There's also a slight repeat of about 3 secs at the end of PSI Power and Brainstorm (possibly the tape flip?). But thats it, to my ears anyway.

Highlights for me are many, but I love Who's Gonna Win The War, and Dust of Time. I love the sound of Huw's guitar.
The Ginger Baker drum solo is also fantastic during Brainstorm.

I am probably in the minority but I always looked forward to seeing the drum solo's at gigs and over the years
I've seen a few Paice, Powell, Bonzo, Palmer, Peart, and Ginger Baker is right up there in my opinion.

I received it in a postal trade from my friend B sometime ago, for which I thank him and for his continued and ongoing genorosity in sharing with me.

I saw the band about three times on this tour, Preston, Manchester and Liverpool and thought they were fantastic, although my memory of those shows now is a little hazy (coughs) to say the least. I absolutely loved this tour.

So I share this as I received it with the addition of this info file and the MD 5 Checksums. I've also added some artwork.

This recording complies with Hawkwinds trading policy, and I personally thank them for allowing fans to share shows such as these. Their trading policy can be found here:


PLEASE DON'T ENCODE TO MP3 (unless for personal use).

I have never seen this anywhere before, except amongst the tape trading community.

Share freely, but and if you do share this, then please share it exactly as you now receive it!

Don't ever sell this recording.

This show has been made available by Hawkwind fans for Hawkwind fans, and I'm just a small link in the chain along the way.

SUPPORT the band at all times and as often as you can, by buying their official releases/merchandise and going to their gigs (on tour various locations around the world 2011 - details:

http://www.hawkwindmuseum.co.uk/tour%20dates.htm for tour dates/merchandise).

An officially released live 1980 show from Lewisham Odeon 18th December 1980 can be found on disc's 2 and 3 of the 3cd remastered re-release of Levitation.

That album, along with their back catologue can be bought here:


Please enjoy a fantastic show!

Let's keep the motors running


Password: myownhub.blogspot.com

Um comentário:

  1. I would like to download this show as it was the first gig I ever went to, how do I download it, I can't see a live link?

