quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011

Grobschnitt: 1978.02.23 - Neuss (EX SBD) [FLAC]

Neuss, Germany
February 23, 1978


the recording 1978:

Analog Soundboard > Analog Cable > Unknown, but very good Cassette Deck > Cassette Master

the trade, early 1980's:

Cassette Master > Unknown Cassette Deck Transfer (NO HIGH SPEED DUBBING, NO DOLBY) > snail mail >
> My Compact Cassettes (TDK SA 90, 1-7/8ips Super Avilyn, High Bias (CrO2) Type II, 135 meter tape)

the first transfer, mid-1990's:

My Cassette (1st gen.) > Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1 (manual playback head azimuth aligned !) > Analog Cable (coax) >
> Sony Digital Audio Tape Deck DTC-60ES (16 bit, SP 48 kHz with Super Bit Mapping) >
> DAT (Maxell HS-4/90s, Helical-Scan 4mm Data Cartridge, 90 meter tape)

the second transfer, just yesterday:

DAT (master) > Tascam DA-20 II, digital S/P-DIF out > Oehlbach Hyper Profi Opto Set (optical fibre, TOS-Link) >
> Behringer SRC-2496 Ultramatch Pro
(Ultra-high-resolution 24-Bit/96 kHz A/D & D/A and Sample Rate Converter & Dropouts-/Jitter Remover) >
> 16 bit, SP 48 kHz converted to 16 bit, SP 44,1 kHz > > Oehlbach Hyper Profi Opto Set (optical fibre, TOS-Link) >
> Terratec Aureon 7.1 PCI - Dolby Digital Live Soundcard with C-Media CMI8768 Soundprocessor Chip, digital S/P-DIF in >
> Motherboard with AMD Multicore Processor, Serial ATA Interface > CD Wave (recording) >
> Harddisc Western Digital with Thermaltake HD Cooler >
> lonetaper's secret box of miracles > CD Wave (tracking) > Traders Little Helper (SB aligned/level 6) > FLAC > DIME

the complete concert, as we got it:

Teil 1: (62:28.55 mins)

1-01. Western 1:43.66
1-02. Ein schönen guten Tag ihr Leut 0:57.69
1-03. > band introduction by Lupo 1:47.15
1-04. > Western (Reprise) 1:04.08
1-05. ...cowboys on stage pt. 1 (roadie's performance)... 0:59.32
1-06. The Excursion Of Father Smith (Vater Schmidt's Wandertag) 10:02.50
1-07. ...applause/roadie's return... 0:32.21
1-08. Ernie's Reise 10:32.17
1-09. ...applause/schönen Dank... 0:38.26
1-10. Severety Town 9:34.23
1-11. ...applause/Pommel's intro by Lupo... 1:41.37
1-12. Rockpommel's Land # 20:18.34
1-13. ...applause/Danke schön... 0:55.33
1-14. ...Lupo about part 2 of the concert... 1:40.74

Teil 2 A & Teil 2 B: (19:12.26 mins)

Unsere 15-minütige Umbaupause...
(our 15 minutes intermission)

was titled "Umbaupausen-Rohrverlegung"...
and should be Dr. Rohr's Adventures during the "Umbaupause"...

Teil 2 A:

The roadie takes care of the dog and his bladder:

2 A-01. walking the dog (including pee) 3:30.52
2 A-02. feeding the dog including water 2:33.23
2 A-03. roadie's watersports (human pee ?) 1:53.14

Teil 2 B: (all % -> see "notes" below!)

The roadie takes care of the groupie Luzie:

2 B-01. Vorspiel % 3:25.36
2 B-02. Heftige körperliche Interaktion % 5:12.61
2 B-03. Der kleine Tod % 1:55.45
2 B-04. Die Zigarette danach % 0:41.20

Teil 3: (80:17.05 mins)

3-01. Banana Boat Song 2:28.54
3-02. > I Walk The Line 0:47.11
3-03. > ...cowboys on stage pt. 2 (roadie's performance)... 0:39.30
3-04. Solar Music I 3:54.33
3-05. Food Sicore 3:15.57
3-06. Solar Music II 6:43.40
3-07. Mühlheim Special ## 12:04.44
3-08. Otto Panckrock 9:51.57
3-09. Golden Mist 10:54.09
3-10. Solar Music III 8:10.65
3-11. ...applause/Zugabe/crowd noise... 2:51.63

encore :
3-12. Symphony I 3:52.22
3-13. > ...thank you, Neuss & good night by Lupo... 0:20.27
3-14. > Symphony II 3:02.58
3-15. > Auf Wiedersehen 0:26.58
3-16. ...Lupo's outstanding THANK YOU & introducing the last song... 0:55.37
3-17. Der A.F. Song ### % § 8:55.38
3-18. ...final crowd noise... 1:01.53

total soundboard: 62:28.55 + 80:17.05 = 142:45.60 mins

total audience: 19:12.26 mins // complete event: 161:57.86 mins

the notes:

# - seamlessly joined tape-flip at 6:21
## - seamlessly joined tape-flip at 12:04.44 (track ending)
### - seamlessly joined tape-flip at 5:30

§ - A.F. stands for "Arschficker" (assfucker), hope this word is allowed here on DIME ?

the musicians (1975-1979):

Eroc (Joachim Ehrig) - Schlagzeug, Perkussion, elektronische Effekte
Lupo (Gerd-Otto Kühn) - Sologitarre, akustische Gitarre
Mist (Volker Kahrs) - Keyboards (+ 20. Juli 2008 R.I.P.)
Pepe / Popo / Hunter (Wolfgang Jäger) - Baß (+ 3. Mai 2007 R.I.P.)
Wildschwein (Stefan Danielak) - Gesang, elektrische und akustische Gitarre

"The Schmirgelfires":
Toni Moff Mollo AKA der kleinste Riese der Welt (Rainer Loskand) - Roadie, Lights, Stage Acting
El Blindo AKA Hochofen AKA Bolligruh (Ralph Büser) - Roadie, Busfahrer, Elektriker, etc. (+ 1980 R.I.P.)
Ballerman (Uwe Giebeler) - Roadie, Fireworks, etc.

PLEASE support the artists, visit their concerts and buy their CDs & merchandise...


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